Germany: Works Agreements Cannot Legitimate Inadmissible Data Processing.

[author: Maximilian Plote]

If employers and works councils agree on ‘more specific rules’ in a works agreement regarding the processing of employees’ personal data in the employment context (Art. 88 (1) GDPR), these must take into account the general data protection principles, including the lawfulness of processing (Art. 5, Art. 6 and Art. 9 GDPR), according to the European Court of Justice (ECJ). In addition, such a works agreement is comprehensively subject to review by the courts; any scope for discretion that is not subject to judicial review must be rejected (Decision of 19 December 2024, case no. C-65/23).

The case

The employer had initially concluded a temporary works agreement with the works council formed at the company and later a works agreement on the use of the software ‘Workday’ with the works council. This works agreement provided, inter alia, that specifically identified employee data may be transferred to a server of the parent company in the US. An employee brought an action before the Labour Court for access to certain information, for the deletion of data concerning him and for damages. He argued, among other things, that his employer had transferred personal data concerning him to the parent company’s server, some of which were not specified in the toleration works agreement. Since he did not fully prevail before the Labour Court, the employee appealed to the Federal Labour Court (BAG). The BAG referred three questions to the ECJ for a preliminary ruling.

General requirements of the GDPR to which the parties are bound

The ECJ answered the first question submitted for a preliminary ruling by stating that Art. 88 (1) and (2) of the GDPR is to be interpreted as requiring a national law adopted under Art. 88 (1) of the GDPR must not only meet the requirements arising from Art. 88 (2) of the GDPR, but also those arising from Art. 5, Art. 6 (1) and Art. 9 (1) and (2) of the GDPR. The court thus makes it clear that the parties to a works agreement must also observe the requirement of necessity (as part of the lawfulness of processing under Art. 6 (1) and Art. 9 (1) and (2) of the GDPR) in the context of a works agreement, but also the principles of data processing (Art. 5 of the GDPR). Accordingly, processing operations regulated in works agreements would also have to fulfil the requirements of the GDPR for the lawfulness of processing. This would not only be consistent with the context of Art. 88 GDPR and the wording of the provision, but also with the objective of the GDPR, which is to ensure a high level of protection for employees with regard to the processing of their personal data.

Comprehensive judicial review of works agreements

If the parties to the works agreement enact ‘more specific rules’ in a works agreement with regard to the processing of employees’ personal data in the employment context, these rules are subject to comprehensive review by the national (labour) courts, according to the ECJ in response to the second question submitted for a preliminary ruling. The courts would have to examine whether the provisions in the works agreement violate the content and objectives of the GDPR. If this is the case, these provisions would be inapplicable. The works council’s and the employer’s regulatory authority under Art. 88 (1) of the GDPR does not include any discretion to apply the requirements of necessity less strictly or to dispense with them. For reasons of efficiency or simplicity, the parties to the works agreement may not compromise in a way that unduly compromises the GDPR’s goal of ensuring a high level of protection for employees.

A response to the third question, which concerned the extent to which judicial review may be restricted, was no longer necessary due to the response to the second question.

Practical note

The ECJ’s decision comes as little surprise and finally puts to rest the position held in Germany at least until the GDPR came into force, that a works agreement could legitimise data processing that is unlawful under the legal provisions because it is not ‘necessary’. Now it is clear that the parties to a works agreement by no means act outside the law and must observe the requirements of the GDPR for the lawfulness of data processing. In legal terms, the decision has little impact, since in practice the employer and works council were hardly in a position to meet the strict requirements of Article 88 (2) GDPR in a works agreement anyway. Nevertheless, many companies still base individual processing operations of employee data on the ‘legal basis of a works agreement’. These companies should check whether other legal bases can be used, in particular to avoid the threat of fines and claims for damages from employees. Furthermore, these companies are advised to adapt their data protection documentation accordingly. Finally, the ECJ ruling must be taken into account by all companies when negotiating works agreements on technical devices (Section 87 (1) no. 6 of the German Works Constitution Act (BetrVG)).


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